Thursday 2 August 2012

Eyelashes and Boogers

Greetings America!

Yesterday we began working on painting the Faith Junior School. It is the school adjacent to Pastor Suubi's church; it's the school that most children at Faith Children's Home attend. The school used to be housing for the big boys at Faith Children's Home, but last year was turned into a school that Pastor Suubi opened himself for many of the children in the area. The outEven side of the school had already been painted, but our job was to turn the inside classrooms into a work of art... well, sort of. Our job was to make them a beautiful bright blue color, and to rid the walls of all the dirt and scum build up from over the years.

We didn't know quite what to expect when we got there, but the first job was to sand all of the walls of every room. Using just a piece of sand paper and our own two hands, we got to work scrubbing off as much of the dirt on the walls as possible. It was hard work, and not only did we tire easily, but the powder, dust, paint particles and cobwebs covered us by the end of the job. It was a great time to use our hands and get down to some hard work that we haven't done in a while.

At the end of the sanding, KatiPaye said she was thankful for two things: Eyelashes and boogers. They catch everything. Haha... Two things I never thought I would give thanks for, but after the day's work, I most definitely praised God for granting us with eyelashes and boogers.

Even though we worked hard, I still felt inadequate. Many of the older boys from the children's home and even men from the church were there helping us, and it's safe to say they did more work than any of us. I wanted to do my best and work as hard as they did, but I felt weak and helpless next to them. They were so encouraging and helpful to us, as I wish we could have been for them.

By the end of the day we had sanded and painted a first coat in each of the 5 classrooms! Beautifully restored, we are ready to go back today, tomorrow, and the next day to finish the work we started. Bri spoke at church about how God loves when we work hard, and so we will continue to press on for Him, praising and dancing as we work. It's a time to serve others, and we pray to do it joyfully.

Yours truly,
Kaly and the Team-Team

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